They’re plucky. They’re clucky. And at Tamerlaine, our chickens are lucky!
Let’s Talk Chickens.
You probably know that female chickens are called hens, and male chickens are called roosters. Hens lay eggs in nests, and those eggs hatch into chicks. Mamas take very good care of their babies—in fact, the phrase to “take someone under your wing” comes from the love chickens show their babies. Flocks of chickens establish rich social structures, made up of friends and families. Chickens like to sit on branches and fences up high. That’s called roosting, and they feel safer that way. But how do they get there? After all, chickens can’t fly…or CAN they? Click the button to learn all about chickens!
But did you know….
….there are more chickens than people on our planet? In fact, there are more chickens than any other birds on our planet. That’s no accident. Humans domesticated chickens, just like we domesticated dogs from wolves. We bred chickens from wild jungle birds over thousands of years. Can you picture a chicken surviving in the jungle? Not today’s intensively-bred chickens! Humans designed chickens to depend on us. For that reason, we should take care of them. But so far we haven’t done a very good job of that. In the United States, less than 1% of the chickens raised and killed for food or eggs get to see the sunshine, or live in happy families. They don’t get to peck for bugs or take care of their babies. It’s abject cruelty to the kind and defenseless—so awful that people prefer to turn away. But all that can change with you.
Who, Me? Yes, you!
At Tamerlaine rescue, doing what chickens do best. Pecking the ground, and checking YOU out!
Who needs chicken? (Hint: not you!) Taking chickens out of your diet is so easy. Every time you make a choice not to eat a chicken…you’re standing up for these amazing birds.