Q: What do you call a goat that lives high in the mountains?

A: A Hill Billy! 

Baaaaah ha ha!


You Goata Be Kidding Me!

You might have known that baby goats are called kids. And that’s why when a goat gives birth…it’s called KIDDING! Really. We’re not kidding! That would just be…weird.

Mama Rose was pregnant when we rescued her. Here she is with her kids, Pablo and Mirabella.


Yep—those are are horizontal, rectangular pupils you’re spying. What in the hay? Listen, those eyes let goats see about 320-340 degrees. So, unless you’re a pterodactyl planning on dive-bombing a goat…good luck sneaking up on these guys as a predator. And that includes night. Goats only sleep about five hours a day and never need night vision goggles. And that’s another perk of having those crazy eyes!


So Much Rume


But first? COFFEE.

Yeah, yeah, they’re crazy energetic and hyper. But where do they get their energy? Rumor has it that goats discovered coffee! Say whaaa? According to an Ethiopian legend, a farmer noticed his goats were extra…perky every time they ate red berries from a certain bush. So? He tried them! Same effect (although he probably wasn’t jumping quite as high…). Those were coffee berries, and the rest is history.

SO much rume!

If a goat offers you a snack…don’t take it! Goats have four-chambered stomachs. As ruminant animals, goats must eat hay and other plant matter. Because the cell walls are so fibrous, they often swallow food without completely breaking it down. In the first section of their stomach, the rumen, it’s churned up and turned into a ball with an oatmeal like consistency. When they’re hungry? (ALWAYS) They know just where to get some snack: their rumens! The ball comes back up so they can rechew that cud, getting even MORE nutrients out of it. In each compartment, it’s digested a bit more to get the most nutrients.  


Ninja Goats!

Forget dog shows and pony shows. Definitely forget anything involving humans. The crown for agility goes to…the goat! Goats are incredible jumpers. Mountain goats can easily jump 12 feet from a still position—which, by the way is about the same as our human World Record. We’re talking distance OR height. If you’re ever in Morocco, don’t be surprised to see goats in TREES. And in mountains? Well, suffice it to say, goats have definitely defeated not just predators, but also…gravity. goats have such incredible agility and balance that they can jump around on cliffs such as those on the Rocky Mountains in the US and the Himalayas in India. They can survive living in elevations over 13,000 feet, talk about no fear!  

Caretaker Marina and celebrity goat Sheldon share a tender moment of comfort.

Woof! Er….Baaaah!

Goats aren’t much different from your pet doggies—both will happily be scratched or petted all day. They’re very social animals and enjoy the company of others in their herd. To be their happiest, goats need to socialize with other goats, animals, and even humans! Goats experience emotional contagion—that is, they pick up on emotions of those around them, and empathize. Just like a dog might, they offer comfort when they sense sadness by snuggling, bumping their head on you, or pawing you until you notice…they’re there for you.

But goats aren’t just lovable like dogs. They’re also about as smart. Studies have shown that goats can learn how to problem solve, AND can be trained to do tricks. Next time you see a goat, be sure to show it some love!  

How Do You Say…

Goats are TALKERS. They love to communicate with one another! The sound they make is technically called bleating. Each goat has their distinctive noise, or bleat, and within days, babies recognize the different voices of their herd mates. Goats bleat to tell each other all sorts of information from calling for specific friends, to danger to food to “Hey…how you like THESE horns?” Scientists have even found out that goats from develop accents! But wait! It gets weirder. (We told you. They’re quirky!) Bleats often sound just like screaming humans! Don't believe it? Watch the video—if you want to. It’s a LOT.


Picky Eaters? More like Smart Cookies!

Did you know goats only have molars on the top of their mouth? The front is just a strong dental pad that lets them pick through vegetation. This actually helps them forage for what’s good and what’s….not so good. Pretty, pretty, pretty, cool.

See that lack of teeth? But wait. What is that goat doing? Why, it’s the Flehman response! He’s pulling back his lips to sniff the air around a new friend he hasn’t met yet. Kind of like your cat does when they smell something…interesting, like feet.